Chinese Language Educator

1) The Gist of Mandarin

1) Mandarin
2) Tang Poems
3) TranslationSamples
4) Critical need Language
5) Friends
6) Sino- American Cultures
7) Cultural Globalization
The Highlights of Mandarin Chinese

Necessity of Words     

                  10   20      30       40       50          60     70    80                                                   

































































































































4 Tones:                                                                                          

 阴     阳     上     去                                                                      

 清     油     炒     菜                                                         

 妈     麻     马     骂     吗 

1)    Reading     Listening     Speaking     Writing

     读        听       说       写                   

2)   Capability of Translating                    Reciting 

       翻 译 能 力                背 诵


3)   Synonyms       Antonyms      Homonyms      Ambigunyms


同义词   反义词   同音词       多义词        

Learning Chinese poems

1)  床前明月光   拟似地上霜                             

 chuang qian ming yue guang    ni si di shang shuang       

    举头望明月    低头思故乡                      

    ju tou wang ming yue     di tou si gu xiang


The moon light is just shining in front of my bed,

It seems to cover the ground with snow.

I was looking up the bright moon hanging in the sky,

And bow my head to think about my home town.

Li Bai                   IN THE QUIET NIGHT

So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed --
Could there have been a frost already?
Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight.
Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.

2)  天山鸟飞绝       万径人踪 灭                 

     tian shan niao fei jue          wan jing ren zong mie                       

   孤舟蓑笠翁        独钓寒江雪

     gu zhou suo li weng           du diao han jiang xue

The birds are disappeared over the Tianshan mountain,

The roads are carrying no-footprints of travelers.

With straw-raincoat and bamboo hat on a single boat,

So longly the old man was fishing on the river covered with snow.

Liu Zongyuan               RIVER-SNOW

A hundred mountains and no bird,
A thousand paths without a footprint;
A little boat, a bamboo cloak,
An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.

3) 春眠不觉晓       处处闻啼鸟           

        chun mian bu jue xiao                chu chu wen ti niao        

    夜阑风雨声       花落知多少

        ye lan feng yu sheng                   hua luo zhi duo shao

I was keeping my sleep in the spring morning,

From everywhere I have heard the birds' singing.

The sound of rain-drops and wind-blowing through the whole night,

How many flowers have been sweeped down to the ground ?

Meng Haoran         A SPRING MORNING

I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,
Everywhere round me the singing of birds --
But now I remember the night, the storm,
And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.

4)  王之渙           登鸛雀樓

      白日依山盡,    黃河入海流。

            bai ri yi shan jin                    huang he ru hai liu     

      欲窮千里目,    更上一層樓。

           yu qiong qian li mu               geng shang yi ceng lou

  Wang Zhihuan                   AT HERON LODGE

Mountains cover the white sun,
And oceans drain the golden river;
But you widen your view three hundred miles
By going up one flight of stairs.


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